Friday, September 11, 2009


I wanted to thank each and everyone of you for coming to share and be a part of Indian Country's-TEACHING THE VALUES OF PEACE.

This site is dedicated to more Human and Civil Rights for Indian Country, to prevent more youth and gang violence, traditional Native spirituality and finding real answers to the issues of Indian Country.

Having been a Native Advocate and Activist for more years than I would care to admit to, it is an Honor and Privilege to serve our People, not a right.

Creator made us all Holy People, and we must start to conduct ourselves more so in that fashion.

We Cherokee have an expression: " We Stand Before the Banner of Our People, So Our People May Live."

As I wrote here in a recent blog, " We must be the Spiritual change we wish to see in Creator's World."

We as the original Holy People, must sing our songs, do our prayers, dance our dances because our time is not to far away before we will be in control of the Americas again.

Creator's World Renewal Medicine is not to far in coming.

Wado and A-ho!

Mike (Ali) Raccoon Eyes Kinney
Editor: Teaching The Values of Peace