Sunday, February 14, 2010


Green Guerrillas met up with Kanahus and Dustin on their TAKE BACK THE LAND tour in 2008... we talked about Indigenous sovereignty, stolen land, and why the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver is a threat to all people and the planet...excerpt from
Why We Resist the 2010 Winter Olympics!
No Olympics on Stolen Land BC remains largely unceded and non-surrendered Indigenous territories. According to Canadian law, British Columbia has neither the legal nor moral right to exist, let alone claim land and govern over Native peoples.
Despite this, and a fraudulent treaty process now underway, the government continues to sell, lease and develop Native land for the benefit of corporations, including mining, logging, oil & gas, and ski resorts. Meanwhile, Indigenous peoples suffer the highest rates of poverty, unemployment, imprisonment, police violence, disease, suicides, etc.
Native Ecological Destruction Despite claims to be the greenest Olympics ever, and PR statements about sustainability, the 2010 Olympics will be among the most environmentally destructive in history, with tens of thousands of trees cut down & mountainsides blasted for Olympic venues in the Callaghan Valley (near Whistler) & the Sea-to-Sky Highway expansion.
In the summer of 2007, a record number of black bears were hit on the Sea-to-Sky Highway, with at least 11 dying (attributed to loss of habitat). Massive amounts of concrete used in construction have also caused millions of Salmon to die in the Fraser River, where tons of gravel are being mined to make concrete.