Tuesday, March 15, 2011



By Mike Raccoon Eyes

As a Spirit Man I tell you when you look at a vision, it is like looking at mists and shadows. As Native spiritual person, it will take you years to interpret what you are really seeing. In the Old days our People didn't call them visions. We called it seeiing or the ability to see.

For many of us, seeing usually comes in dreams. This is not like a dream, when you sleep and have dreams come in fragments. Visions are quite clear and you remember the dream again, quite cleary!

Where as with a 'nightmare', you may questionis it a dream or not. But it lingers and wafts within your mind, it slowly drifts away when you try to examine it more closely. In the dream-vision state, you can recall every detail and look closely; and examine everything that happened. Every detail is recorded for you spiritual review.

As you become more skillrd into understanding and interpreting your visions, you can know something you that you NEVER saw anything about! But when the thought comes into your mind, more than likely out of your mouth! You did'nt mean to say it-but you say it never the less.

What you are saying is so, but you NEVER saw anything else other than your vision to inform you of it! It should be know that "Speaking Out" is also one of the traits that is a part of seeing.

When you master this in Sared Time, you will see- It is a different kind of power, a different kind of energy and a different kind of strength. So it will reflect from a spiritual place, a differnt kind of thinking. A-ho!