Saturday, May 15, 2010


Dear Shellmound Friends,

It is with great excitement that we are passing on this wonderful news!!! As of Today May 14, 2010 , Museums and agencies that receive federal monies will be required to return "culturally unidentifiable remains".

This includes my ancestors. I want to thank all of you for your prayers, support and footsteps as we undertook together a great feat in paying respect to those who came before us.

We would like to celebrate this blessing by coming together on Saturday May 29th, 2010 , 3pm, at the Glen Cove site in Vallejo and have a potluck lunch. It would be a great reunion to see those of you that helped with making our prayers for our ancestors return closer to a reality.

Please come as you would for a walk. Bring your own plate, bowl, cup and silverware. Bring Tarps or blankets to sit on or a chair if you are unable to get on the ground. Bring your favorite dish or drink to share. Bring your stories and your smiles.

This circle is open to everyone that has assisted us through shelter, transport, food, walking, praying, protesting, educating, printing, donations or just offering words of encouragement. We would love to see all of you or as many as can come. Please share this invite with others that you know would love to come or you know has helped us in some way on our journey.. LETS CELEBRATE!!!!!!!

Peace and Blessings
