Saturday, May 8, 2010


Dear Brothers & Sisters:

I am very sorry to report an emergency situation, which struck one of our dearest members.

Our brother, Alex White Plume, has lost 2 of his young nephews in a fatal car accident. We send our most sincere condolences to his family.

His sister, Alta White Butterfly, lost her young son, Tawapaha Luta (Red War Bonnet), and his sister, Romona White Plume, lost her son, Jered (Mata Ska - White Bear).

The devastation on this family is truly unbearable. The boys belongings were burned last night.

As we all know, funerals are very expensive, and these boys were young, there was no life insurance to help with their burial ceremonies.

I ask that you give from your heart and help with whatever donation you can make to ease the financial burden on the White Plume family. Donations can be sent to:

Mr. Alex White Plume
P.O. Box 71
Manderson, SD 57756

He will be sure to get the donations to his sisters.

We pray for the White Plume family's condolences, that our Great Creator have mercy on them in their time of grief.

Many blessings to you all for always being there when you are all needed.

Noquisi Tsisqua, Star

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